Memories Can Make You Feel Uncomfortable
Real intimacy is only possible to the degree that we can be honest about what we are doing and feeling. - Joyce Brothers -
Crafting your memoir requires honesty first and foremost with yourself. Sometimes what you want to say and what you actually say comes out all wrong. You can sugar coat your life and your experiences but that is the same as posting a happy selfie when you are feeling unhappy.
Saying what you feel and think is often very scary. How will others respond to what you are thinking and feeling? Will it impact your friendship or relationship? Should you avoid the risk of the potential downside by not saying what you think? Does it really matter at all?
It all depends on the quality of life you want to live with yourself and others. However, practice makes perfect. Practice what you want to say before you say it. The challenge is how do you practice sharing what you are thinking and feeling with just yourself?
In these cases, BabbleStash is the perfect app. It prompts you to reflect and records your thoughts and feelings about you truly think. The recording is just for you so it's safe to record and review later. Listening to yourself say what you think helps significantly when people want to foster their relationships and develop a deeper bond.
Try BabbleStash today and record your honest feelings about everything. BabbleStash is a critically acclaimed iPhone app that captures the essence of people and lets them share it. Selfies, Snapchats, only express the visual moment; but not what people are truly thinking or feeling. BabbleStash uses scientifically tested questions to elicit feelings, memories, ideas, goals, and dreams and easily records the responses to either be kept secret or shared.